Thunderbirds Are Go is a 26-episode CGI-animated series which follows the heroics of the Tracy family as they try to save the world with their secret organisation International Rescue. Aided by engineer Brains (voice of Kayvan Novak), operative Kayo (Angel Coulby) and London agent Lady Penelope (Rosamund Pike), the Tracy family must outwit villains such as the evil Dr. Klaw (voiced by John Hurt) and the maniacal Red Skull (voiced by Hugo Weaving).
26 episodes of the CGI-animated series which follows the heroics of the Tracy family as they try to save the world with their secret organisation International Rescue. Aided by engineer Brains (voice of Kayvan Novak), operative Kayo (Angel Coulby) and London agent Lady Penelope (Rosamund Pike), the...